Tuesday, October 25, 2005

HiTech Toilet seat !!!

News News News from the net...

This is soooo cool!

I've got a question though... If the lid automatically opens when you approach, what will happen if you wanna s(h)it???
I think I've got the answer. The answer is on the manual override function.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

London's clouds

This weekend was more relaxing than the previous one. On Saturday, I spent almost 5 hours in the lab (looking at flies under the microscope etc), went to do our weekly super market shopping (at Tesco) and watched TV, while on Sunday we went to London for a couple of hours. We walked most of Oxford St, Regent St, Soho and Leicester Sqr, had dinner in Soho with my uncle and took some lovely photos of London's (grey and angry) clouds.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Wanna chat with the Big Guy up there?

this is your chance! ...

Just click here

ps. Holy s**t !!!

A bit too much to drink...

Do not laugh!

Shaken (not stirred) photos ...

These photos were taken while the person handling the camera was already (a bit ) drunk!!!

The photos are either a bit out of focus (literally) ...

...or they are all about FEET and Dirty party floor !

When you are drunk, you under- estimate the
effective- ness of the camera's flash!!!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Weekend photos

Car-on-fire !

First drinks ... (from left: me, Aimilios, Giannis and Rigas)

more evidence to follow...

Monday, October 17, 2005

Spending the weekend in Leeds...

It is at least two and a half years since I left Leeds to migrate -like other migrating species- to the south of England.
On Thursday, we (my girfriend and I) caught the fast train from Kings X station to Leeds, and after 2.5hrs we were waiting for a cab outside Leeds train station. We met our friends, spent a notable amount of time talking about the shitty weather and women started chit-chating. I left them and paid a visit to the Borders bookstore to check some new books, drink a banana-strawberry smoothie and relax! We later met in a posh bar /restaurant , where we had a nibble and started to consume the first bottle of wine for the weekend (and believe me, it was a smooth start). The next morning I was woken up by an armed robbery taking place just meters off the neighbourhood. Apparently, according to the police, the robbers ditched the getaway car just on the edge of the neighbourhood and they set it on fire.
That was a rather cruel way to wake up, especially while having a hangover!
Later on, there were police officers cordoning the street and questioning the residents around the hood.
Around afternoon, I met a friend of mine and we went for a stroll around the Leeds Market to buy some greek feta cheese and greek-style spinach-pies. (At this point I want to note that my girl bakes a much tastier spinach-pie!) We grabbed a cup of coffee and spent the next few hours checking the new collections in Waterstones Bookstore!
That night we were invited to a party that was dominated by Greeks, Spanish, Italians and Portuguese! It was sooo colourful, so intense and there was enough booze!( At least for the first half hour)
We downed Budweisers, white wine, rose wine and when everyone was desperately looking for booze, I found half bottle of cachaca. Given the fact that it was rather difficult to find brown sugar and lime to produce the famous Caipirinha , I tried to be innovative and used Lilt instead ! Apparently it works just fine!!!
The party was a success (mostly because of the venue and its host, Nuno)
When we returned home, around 4.30am, I cooked some pasta (Spagghetti con pomodoro e basilico) and we downed another Chardonnay.
After another hangover and a rather late awakening, a strong cup of coffee always makes things better!
Saturday night. Fancy a burito and a jug of sangria??? or rather two jugs of sangria and a couple of margeritas for the ladies... Great food, even greater booze. ( what is going on, am I addicted to drink or what?)
Sunday morning, no sign of a hangover, thus it was my turn to cook breakfast. A rather classy english breakfast of eggs and bacon served on white toast bread, and white coffee.
We then walked to the Millenium Square where there was an art exhibition on display (Earth from the air) and after spending an hour in HMV listening to new releases, we then figured that we were hungry again! We chose italian this time and we did enjoy it! (two bottles of Chardonnay were consumed)

Sunday night was an alcohol-free night which we spent watching the Backstage footage of the Greek Playmate 2005 contest... The girls and the presenter weren't interesting enough, I must admit!
Early in bed, early up, caught the train to kings X and we are back in our normal life.

I did feed the goldfish! I have to change their water though!

Photos are on their way...

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Dj Kitty !

A friend of mine sent me this funny kitten!

Enjoy it!

My three new pets  Posted by Picasa

Fish Tank (or rather Fish Bowl)

Last Friday I bought three small kinda goldfish. They are actually Calico Ryukin Goldfish. They are pretty. But they are always sooo hungry! I've put some pebbles in the fish bowl and now they seem happier! I will post some photos of them eventually.

Can we spare just a minute of silence about the victims of the latest earthquake that hit Asia...?

Friday, October 07, 2005

Religion and acts of terrorism

According to an article on CNN and other media sites, Palestinian officials quoted G.W. Bush as saying that "God told him to invade Afganistan and Iraq..."
If this is the case we have got a problem! The suicide-bombers were following Allah's orders, while Americans were following God's will. I think we have got a clush of religions. The consequences are devastating.
I think that coward is the adjective that characterise both parties. It sucks to hide behind religion and to engage in acts of violence in the name of God/Allah/Buddha/etc...

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Summer 2005

When cats are bored, they just go mad ! Posted by Picasa

Here, the infamous "bacardi cat" is trying to catch a flying bug.

No comments at all...  Posted by Picasa

Monday, October 03, 2005

Photos of the eclipse

Until now I've found only one internet site with photos of the eclipse taken by amateurs. You may want to check it . It's a BBC page, where people send their photos. There are some rather impressive photos of the sun.
I will try to find more.

Spam Prevention authorised

Because of the posting of several spam comments which contained adverts of Viagra, antidepressants and holidays abroad, the need of a spam prevention system was a fact.

From now on people leaving comments on the blog will be required to complete a word verification step.
Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

A partial (annular) solar eclipse DID take place today...

... but I wasn't lucky enough to get any photos (yet !!!)
The eclipse was visible in Portugal, Spain, Libia, Sudan and Kenya, but also people living in northern areas of Europe were able to catch a glimpse of the spectacular phenomenon .
I've been notified by members of my family that, indeed the eclipse was visible from Greece, but apparently the best location was Madrid, Spain.

Here in Southern England, the phenomenon was visible at around 10.00 am GMT. The skies were clear and the sun was shining, but I woke up rather late. When I finally realised that the sun was a bit dim ( not because of the traditional british weather), I remembered about the eclipse. Unfortunately, the shadow of the moon had well passed Burgess Hill.

for more information on these solar phenomena you can visit some official pages explaining the science of the eclipse.