Global Warming... probably caused by the addition of another Sun in our solar system.
And I've got the proof!
Ice cap melting, rising waters etc... Nobody can blame humans for the extra Sun !
the thing is that we might neeeeeed to cut the crap (or Carbon emissions) and be more earth-friendly/sensitive...
a post to the home sweet home blog gave me the idea for this post , and my humourous approach was the result.
And I've got the proof!
Ice cap melting, rising waters etc... Nobody can blame humans for the extra Sun !
the thing is that we might neeeeeed to cut the crap (or Carbon emissions) and be more earth-friendly/sensitive...
a post to the home sweet home blog gave me the idea for this post , and my humourous approach was the result.
Labels: (s)p(r)oof
About the "crap" you wrote...Is it true that cows is the number 1 polluter of air? I 'm pretty sure I came across of that info somewhere...
apparently, "... an average cow can produce around 500 to 600 litres of methane per day ."
Methane that "... cow releases either through flatulence or burping."
we are in deep Shit!
I remember reading somewhere just recently that the Bush administration is holding back information on global warming just to make people believe that it is in fact not a real problem and that humans have nothing to do with it ... I don't know which part of the story I find more disturbing ... the fact that Bush is holding back information (but hey, it's Bush ... what did I expect?) or the fact that some people are actually stupid enough to blieve a thing he tells them.
Anyway, nite nite...
Τελικά είχα παραπάνω δίκιο από ότι φανταζόμουν...ούτε οι κυβερνήσεις μπορούν να κάνουν κάτι μπροστά στην ύπαρξη δύο ήλιων...:Ρ
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