Saturday, June 03, 2006

music and photos...

sometimes I feel like looking at photos and listening to music! and nothing else...

and I fly away...

no, I am not tripping, yet!
And certainly I am not on Drugs... and apparently I haven't even tasted any alcohol today. . .

I am going to enjoy the evening by watching the night sky and listening to some really good old funky Jazz ...

c ya there!
If only I had a couple of cold Coronas and/or an Absolut&Cranberry Juice...with lots of lime...!


Blogger apousia said...

Η μαγεία του ουρανού,το απόλυτο πάθος που το όνομά του είναι ΝΥΧΤΑ,είναι από μόνο του ένα ναρκωτικό,το μόνο ίσως που είναι αθώο..
Αγαπημένε, γλυκέ μου memento,πιες και σήμερα μια Corona για μένα!
Από το μπουκάλι της,με μια λεπτή φέτα λεμονιού,όπως την αγαπούσε ο Μάρκος μου!

Φιλιά Ελλαδίτικα!

05 June, 2006 09:00  
Blogger Memento aka a moment in life said...

The dark colour of the night sky ...
The one and only "innocent" drug ...

I will do so Apousia, I will drink a Corona for you ...
take care,
(English Kisses, sooo not warm enough!!! I think I should stick with the greek ones... hehehe )

05 June, 2006 09:40  
Blogger bidibis said...

Τι έγινε memento? Το απελευθέρωσαν το ωράριο στην Αγγλαιτέρα όπως έλεγαν? Προλαβένετε να πιείτε τι μπυρίτσες με την ησυχία σας ή σας διωχνουν από τις 11?

Μ αρέσεις που έκτός από Αριανός, ξέρεις να εκτιμάς και το καλό ποτό.

Στο παρελθόν, έτυχε να μαλώσω- λεκτικά-άγρια με ελληναράδες που ισχυρίζονταν ότι οι έλληνες πίνον πιο πολύ από τους άγγλους και τους βόρειους λαούς γενικότερα. Κάπως δύσκολο το βλέπω αυτό, αν και δεν έχω σαφή εικόνα. Το πότό μπορεί να είναι συμφυτο με την ελληική κουλτούραα, το Booze, όμως, όχι!

05 June, 2006 14:48  
Blogger Memento aka a moment in life said...

Hi Badly,
indeed... many of the pubs that applied for the 24hr permit can serve booze even after 11pm, it 's a revolution...!
but the thing is that the Brits are sooo addicted to binge drinking , that they are still drinking in the same pattern as before... It is pathetic...they drink as much as before and they are completely wasted by 10.55pm hahahaha...

And about the issue of who is drinking more, the greeks or the Brits, I am with the Brits obviously!!! And additionally , I believe that Scandinavians and people from the Baltic states are equally heavy -if not heavier- drinkers with the Brits.
But no one can drink like Greeks... We drink, not to get drunk, but to enjoy ourselves... and we eat as well.

I 've heard something quite striking coming out of the mouth of a 21 year old female student...(she looked so innocent, that I couldn't believe my ears...)
The conversation was on the famous "pub crawls"
(pub crawl : to visit as many pubs you can during an evening and to have at least a pint of Beer/a drink in each one...)
Her view on the subject was clear...She said, and I quote : " During a Pub Crawl one can only waste valuable drinking time." (!!!)

Oh, and another one... A teacher of mine, a lecturer in the uni said something equally disturbing...
The chat was on about eating after or during a trip to the pub... he said:
" Eating is Cheating... "(!!!)

At least they are using public transport!

05 June, 2006 20:52  
Blogger exilio said...

Memento..φέρνω τις μπύρες..εσύ βάλε μουσική.Πρόσεξε κακομοίρη!!Να είναι καλή!

υ.γ(το βράδυ είναι ωραία να ακούς τανγκό..αχχ και μόνο τη μουσική ερωτεύομαι!)

07 June, 2006 07:17  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.

22 July, 2006 18:00  

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