Get Smarter in 7 days...
Did you know that you can boost your IQ by 40% in a week ?
A new BBC show called "Get smarter in a week" uses a number of volunteers that try to boost their brain power by following a 7 day special routine... It includes doing puzzles (crossword, sudoku etc), brushing your teeth with your other hand, eating healthy meals, learning a number of new words and using them in sentences during your daily social life, memorising your shopping lists or telephone numbers... etc
I am in!
I tried to brush my teeth with the wrong hand this morning... the result is shown below :
photo taken from here
Anyway, I will try to post any new word I am going to learn this week, or try to post a sudoku...
Good Luck !
A new BBC show called "Get smarter in a week" uses a number of volunteers that try to boost their brain power by following a 7 day special routine... It includes doing puzzles (crossword, sudoku etc), brushing your teeth with your other hand, eating healthy meals, learning a number of new words and using them in sentences during your daily social life, memorising your shopping lists or telephone numbers... etc
I am in!
I tried to brush my teeth with the wrong hand this morning... the result is shown below :
photo taken from here
Anyway, I will try to post any new word I am going to learn this week, or try to post a sudoku...
Good Luck !
A couple of weeks ago I had a deep cut on my left hand, hence I couldn't hold anything in that hand (a catastrophy since I am left handed). Consequently I had to brush my teeth with my right hand. The result: I almost knocked out a tooth. And I swore to myself that I'd never be stupid enough to try brushing my teeth with my right hand ever again. So, yeah, it really did increase the IQ to a certain extent, I guess ;-).
However, I do believe that those kind of exercises can help train the brain and improve dexterity.
This is a noble pursuit, but personally, I prefer to stay stupid. It makes things so much easier by limiting what's expected of me. And I worry less, because I'm too dumb to understand much of what goes on around me. It's quite nice, actually.
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