Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Working with animals...

You know, it is so exciting to work in a lab... Especially when you work on Flies.
In a previous post I 've posted a mating pair of Drosophila melanogaster, the species I work on.
This time I am posting photos of a Diopsidae dipteran species, Cyrtodiopsis dalmani.

I found these images really beautiful, thus I am posting them...

Apparently, size (of their stalks, where their eyes are attached) DOES matter!!!
Did I mention that only male flies have this kind of head-morphology?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

these flies look really cute! I wonder why their eyes are like that...Any suggestions?

25 May, 2005 20:09  
Blogger Memento aka a moment in life said...

Apparently, female flies prefer to mate with well-endowed males!!!

As I mentioned earlier in the post,
Size DOES matter ! (at least in flies)

27 May, 2005 20:21  

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