September in Greece...
Firstly, I'd like to apologise for not updating my blog for ages... I've been really busy during August. And my laptop was dead for at least 2-3 weeks!
But now, I am back...
The weather is still rather warm (34 oC today) and I am not really busy, so I will try to get a tan and go for a swim or two... or even more!
I am going back to England soon, around the second forthnight of September... I 've missed England, my flat and my life there... and of course my precious flies!
have a nice autumn
c ya around!
Χρόνια και ζαμάνια! :-Ρ
Άντε, ανέβα εσύ να παίρνουμε σειρά για την πατρίδα! ;-)
Πολύ καλά να περνάς!
΄Αντε καλό χειμώνα λοιπόν...
I hope you have a really really cool winter. Ledhas gonna be here as well so be prepared for looong drink sessions ;P i cant wait...hmmm pampering..hmmm LOOL
drinking sessions... hm!
I start work on Monday...
I have to update the blog...but unfortunately my laptop is dead.
I need a new one, or at least a monitor!!!
have a nice one too!
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