Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Autumn at last!

... Strong gales, showers and low visibility are the main characteristics of the first week of November. I do enjoy the weather!
Apparently, this winter (in Britain and mainland Europe) will be the coldest of the last 50 years.

On other news now,
David Blunkett has resigned from cabinet (for a second time during the last year). Poor David, I think he is one of the best British politicians of the recent British Political history.

President Bush asked for $7.1 billion for the war against (terror ???) a flu pandemic. My only fear is that he might need to use a part of the pledged money for the war against terror...

John Howard, PM of Australia has warned that he is aware of certain terror threats against Australia. But he didn't want to comment specifically on the threats. Lets hope he is wrong!

Some of the best photographs of 2005...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like November and autumn, too! I particularly enjoy the fog, the cloudy skies and the changing colours of the leaves. Most people don't get why this time of the year is so nice, though ... However, I don't like freezing temperatures. So I really do hope that this winter won't be that cold.

02 November, 2005 17:45  
Blogger K Khan said...

You think Blunkett is a good politician? Not if you favour civil liberties he isn't. He has pushed through some of the most draconian legislation that you could imagine. And this is aside from his well-documented abuse of his position.

And his successor Charles Clarke is just continuing the work that Blunkett started.

They want to allow police to hold terrorist suspects for up to 90 days. Do you know that arrests made under anti-terrorist law have something like a 5% conviction rate? With most of those convictions for non-terrorist related crimes (fraud, etc.)

If you are one of those 95% innocent people who are arrested and were to be kept locked for 3 months, it would ruin your life. For a start do you think your employer would hang about waiting for you for three months? You'd come out and you'd not have a job, you'd have a stain on your record - it would ruin your life.

Teflon Tony makes me laugh whenever he says he has seen "compelling" evidence to support the introduction of this law. Last time he saw "compelling evidence" about something we invaded Iraq...

09 November, 2005 10:18  

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